Give Yourself A Fighting Chance With Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy

Imagine walking away from cigarettes or your vape without a second thought. No desire to ‘just finish the packet’ or ‘quit at the end of the week’. Quit cold turkey and never worry about a relapse. Feel strong and in control with help from our hypnotherapists. 

The compulsion to smoke or vape actually comes from your subconscious mind, not your rational conscious mind.

Your subconscious mind does not respond to logic – which is why the increased risk of lung cancer is little incentive to quit.

With quit smoking hypnosis, however, we can influence your subconscious mind, using positive suggestions and therapies.

Individual results may vary.

Quit smoking or vaping with hypnotherapy in just 4 simple steps.

Uncover subconscious patterns

We uncover your subconscious patterns, beliefs and self-imposed limitations.

Change neural pathways

We switch your neural pathways from negative thinking to positive thinking.

Deep trance hypnosis

We carry out Customised Smoking Aversion under Deep Trance Hypnosis.

Anchor calm and confidence

We ensure you have a calm and confidence anchor so that you remain a non-smoker for life.

Does Using Hypnotherapy To Quit Smoking Actually Work?

The intensity of cravings for cigarettes or vapes has more to do with the psychosocial element of smoking than with the physiological effects of nicotine as an addictive chemical, according to 2010 research by Tel Aviv University.

A report published in The New Scientist, produced by Schmidt and Viswesvaran of the University of Iowa, concluded after an exhaustive study of 600 other research projects covering some 70,000 people (including 48 studies of hypnosis covering 6,000 people) that…

“Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking. Willpower, it turns out, counts for very little.”

Furthermore, 2018 research published in the American Society of Clinical Oncology, found that 80% of participants were able to quit smoking via hypnotherapy treatments, concluding that “…quitting smoking through hypnosis is effective, because the smokers can transform their cognitive system and, thereby, they can change, naturally, their biopsychological paradigms in all contexts of their lives.” [Reference].

We already know just how deadly smoking is. Smoking claims the lives of approximately 24,000 Australians every year. In addition, tobacco addiction can actually rob you of a decade off your life, as well as, causing severe health complication as you age.

Do You Want To Quit Smoking or Vaping?

Cigarettes contain many substances that are harmful to your health and general well-being. The tar that gets sucked into your lungs contains more than 4,000 chemicals, many of which are cancer causing or harmful in other ways, and these go to various parts of your body via your bloodstream.
Although some people smoke to reduce stress, that effect comes largely from the nicotine, an addictive drug that causes craving and other withdrawal symptoms when you try to stop smoking. The stress-relieving effect is short-lived and, longer term, smoking tends to increase stress levels.
The carbon monoxide that smokers take in reduces the level of oxygen in the blood, reducing energy levels and causing shortness of breath.

Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Services In Melbourne

You’re a smoker or vaper who wants to quit and have tried the Nicorette patches, you’ve tried going cold turkey, you’ve tried any number of natural remedies that will supposedly suppress those cravings that itch at you every day, and surprise-surprise none of them have worked, or at least, not in the long term.

Why? Vaping and smoking is an addiction and while traditional treatments address the chemical nature of that addiction, they fail to treat the root cause, which is found in the subconscious. Quit smoking hypnotherapy available at the Hypnofit clinic in Melbourne is different for this exact reason.

While our conscious mind is geared toward logic, the subconscious does not respond to logic and so regardless of the overwhelming evidence that smoking causes cancer, heart disease and brings about many other negative effects, the compulsion to have another is driven by the emotional response, as opposed to the potential risks. When smoking is used as a means to release anxiety and stress or to suppress appetite in hope of improving our self-perception by losing a few pounds, the subconscious calls for it over and over again.
This learned behaviour typically stems from an experience or first response to a similar situation and given the addictive nature of Nicotine, it can be extremely difficult for a smoker to say no and suffer through their specific emotional state.

How Does It Work?

At HypnoFit® our consultants first try to find out why you want to stop vaping or smoking and learn about your habits so that they can target the treatment to your specific needs. This safe, natural and tailor-made treatment gives our clients the power to cope with their cravings once back in their familiar surroundings and empowers them to overcome the addiction on their own.

Throughout the consultation process, HypnoFit®’s consultants identify the feelings or emotions a client associates with smoking, such as stress release, and encourages them to identify beneficial substitute activities that could result in the same payoff.

The end goal is to create a structure and plan for the moments, hours and days where those cravings kick in again, so that appropriate action can be taken to suppress them in favour of a more beneficial activity. Once this is in place and hypnosis is induced the subconscious is reprogrammed so that its response to smoking is negative.
Those who have successfully quit smoking reap the rewards within days. Breathing improves, skin becomes clear, that terrible lingering smell disappears and energy levels are increased. It’s a win-win situation for both the smoker and his or her social circle.

Is Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Safe?

According to there is very little evidence that hypnotherapy has serious adverse effects. During the hypnosis for smoking session you’ll be fully aware of what’s happening and stay in complete control of your behaviour. 

How Can I Start?

HypnoFit® offers the best quit vaping or smoking hypnotherapy Melbourne has to offer and we’re waiting for your call. Your first thirty-minute strategy consultation is free and we even offer free follow-up consultations if your treatment fails . So, with that in mind remember that with hypnotherapy there’s nothing to lose but potentially everything to gain.

Claim your free 30-minute strategy session with our specialist and transform your life today!

We have extensive experience in helping clients facing all sorts of challenges. Get in touch for a confidential chat.
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Bonus offer

Sign up for a Quit Smoking program, and as an added bonus we'll include complimentary advanced hypnosis quit smoking recordings to support your hypnotherapy sessions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Anyone! Most people who smoke know it’s a bad habit, and most smokers would like to stop. Smokers know that smoking is terrible for their health, costs an awful lot of money and is becoming an increasingly anti-social habit. 

Hypnotherapy is the best approach for anyone looking for a safe, natural and effective way to stop smoking for good.

You’re probably already aware of the dangers of smoking and here because you’ve decided to take charge of your health. 

If you need a reason to quit smoking, there are many. Cigarettes contain substances that are harmful to your health. The tar that gets sucked into your lungs contains more than 4,000 chemicals, many of which are cancer causing or harmful in other ways, and these go to various parts of your body via your bloodstream.

Although some people smoke to reduce stress, that effect comes largely from the nicotine, an addictive drug that causes craving and other withdrawal symptoms when you try to stop smoking. The stress-relieving effect is short-lived and, longer term, smoking tends to increase stress levels.

The carbon monoxide that smokers take in reduces the level of oxygen in the blood, reducing energy levels and causing shortness of breath.

What’s more, cigarette smoking is a costly activity! Anyone who smokes a pack a day spends thousands each year on cigarettes. And this expensive habit will only become more costly with time, given the medical care required. Not to mention that you’re contributing to the issues caused by second-hand smoke. 

Imagine how much you could save and how much healthier you would feel if you quit. There are so, so many benefits to quitting smoking!

Hypnotherapy is a cost-effective, long-lasting solution that brings an inner calm you won’t ever find in a pack of cigarettes.


At Hypnofit, our therapists first try to find out why you want to stop smoking and learn about your habits so that they can target the treatment to your specific needs.

Throughout the process, we seek to understand the feelings or emotions you associate with smoking, such as stress release. We also encourage you to identify beneficial substitute activities that could result in the same payoff.

The end goal is to create a practical and realistic plan for the coming moments, hours and days.

We want you to be prepared when the cravings kick in and inclined to opt for a healthier alternative without a second thought. To achieve the latter, we use hypnosis to help you form negative associations with smoking and positive associations with your new healthy activity.

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