No Regrets Christmas Party Tips

As Christmas is approaching, so are Christmas parties, which usually means that we over indulge and put on weight when we least need it!

There are so many parties to attend and so many temptations. The good news is that we can still have a fabulous time and enjoy all the treats without waking up the next morning regretting everything we ate and drank.

Over the years – I have either woken up the next day regretful and ashamed of putting the kilos on that I diligently banished with my sweat and tears during the preceding months or very proud of myself for keeping to the plan by enjoying the treats that I had planned for and not having food and drinks to excess.

How do you want to feel the next day?

I have put together some tips that I have developed through trial and error and continue to work for me today.

Before you get there – Plan, Plan, Plan

Find out what the menu is and choose your meal wisely before you go to the party. Otherwise you may get distracted with social chit chat and choose meals that may not be the best option.

Eat something before you go. Don’t arrive famished at the party because you have “saved your appetite”. You will end up splurging on high calorie foods that you do not need. Eat a little protein and fibre before the party such as an egg on toast or yoghurt and a piece of fruit.

You have arrived – Enjoy don’t destroy
  • You do not have to order exactly what is on the menu. Most chefs are happy to make variations upon request. For example, if the Fish of the Day is beer battered fish – ask that it be grilled with vegies or salad instead of chips.
  • Ask for dressings and sauces on the side so that you control how much you eat.
  • Choose meals described as steamed, grilled, baked, sauteed, stir-fried or poached NOT fried, crumbed, battered, creamy or in coconut milk.
  • At a buffet – place a maximum of 3 different types of foods on your plate so that you choose what you really desire and then are really able to enjoy your food.
  • Do not stand next to the food table. Walk away! Enjoy the company of your family and friends or make yourself useful by helping the hosts!
  • Pour your own drinks so that you keep track of how much you are drinking and frequently take a break from alcohol and drink a diet soft drink or a sparkling mineral water instead.
  • Dance up a storm – what a great way to do your exercise and burn those calories
The day of reckoning – what happened?

If you have had a great time, enjoyed your special treats that you planned for and did not over indulge – Well Done! You have achieved! You are a Winner! You can do this again & again!

If not – reflect back and ask yourself what went wrong so that you develop a strategy for the next party. Don’t beat yourself up! We have all been there. Learn from all your experiences.

Do additional exercise such as an extra-long power walk to burn away any additional calories. Do not continue splurging just because you “broke your diet. That was yesterday and today is a new day and a new start.

Wishing you a wonderful guilt- free Xmas with no regrets!

– Helen

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