Mindset Dominance

Stop Self Sabotage And Break Bad Habits

If you’ve ever looked into your mirror and wondered what happened to that young lean, energetic person you once were, you’re not alone. Years of dedication to your career have made you a success. Mindset Dominance is a 90 day program designed as a blueprint for the busy executive. You can feel fit and energised in just 3 months with this health and fitness guide.

(Digital 183 pages)

Do you struggle to get moving when you have things you need to get done? Is your list

Greetings from New York city! I’m in the city that never sleeps as I start my tour of

Does life feels so full of stress, you feel like you’re losing the plot? I know exactly how

I recently enjoyed attending the Professional Speakers’ Australia Convention in Brisbane where the topic for one of the

One of the key things you need ……to finally get what you want! Do you constantly struggle to achieve

When the world is full of irritating people, why show kindness?  Do you find yourself getting worked up

Can an apology be better than revenge when someone hurts you?  It’s human nature to feel angry and distressed

What do you want for 2018?  How will it look and feel? Don’t just hope and dream. You

I’m not a morning person. I don’t have enough time. I’ll do it tomorrow. What excuse do you

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